Wednesday, October 15, 2008


it was monday night (october 13th). mommy was too busy giving instructions to the new nannies, daddy was in the bath room, syifa was seeking mommy's attention.

Hiks...since i was too busy, syifa enter bed room byherself, then what? she locked herself in our bedroom. Panic attacked me, because i tried to talk to her but she said it's hard to unlock the key. I called Abu, he tried to persuade syifa to try to unlock the door but she said too hard, so Abu went to the window, urging syifa to take the key off the door, but only key chain succed. after quite a while syifa started to cry because she was sleepy, tired and scared. we ried to calm her down and asked her to unlock the door, but she cried harder... finally Abu decided to force the door opened...

Alhamdulillah it worked in short time, but syifa still scared and crying....

What a lesson to learn.... hiks...... alhamdulillah things not soo bad after all, but we learned to move all keys in the rooms to other place.... phewwwwwwwww


Anonymous said...

Mba, ko bica cih Syifa sampe terkurung gitu, tapi masih ada untungnya, untung bapaknya pas ada di rumah, heeee...

Unknown said...

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