Saturday, September 27, 2008

mama jangan marah...

sometimes i forgot how fragile my little darling's feeling..
sometimes i forgot that when i face syifa is different with facing the problematic employees at the office
sometimes i forgot how sensitive toddler's feeling
sometimes i forgot that it's to me that she's supposed to count on...

sedihnya.. waktu syifa bilang "Mama jangan marah.." when i raised my voice just because she refused to brush her teeth... ya Allah.. lebih sedih lagi when she said "maunya sama mbak nia aja" hiks....... bener2 lupa fungsi utama seorang mama...

maafkan mama ya Nak... tak pernah dengan sengaja mama menyakiti hatimu.. semoga mama bisa menjadi ibu yang sholehah agar lebih bisa menahan diri.... amin..

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